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HEAT POLICY   All U3A Adelaide Hills activities will be automatically cancelled when the BOM forecast (issued the day before) for Mount Barker is predicted to be 40 degrees or over.

FIRE DANGER & BUSHFIRE POLICY  On a day when the CFS forecast (issued the day before) for the Mt Lofty Ranges is:

  •  CATASTROPHIC 100 +  Fire Danger Rating:  All U3A Adelaide Hills activities will be cancelled.

  •  EXTREME       50 – 99 Fire Danger Rating: – activity will be determined at the discretion of the individual Course Organiser/Presenter

Check fire rating forecasts at  


Members should take responsibility for their own safety and follow their own individual bushfire plan.


If a member misses three classes in a row without apology, that class position is considered vacant. 

(Registering your apology online is easy and takes less time than messaging class Presenters.) 


If anyone collapses at a U3A Adelaide Hills course or event, it is our policy to call an ambulance. Members are advised to ensure they have adequate personal Ambulance Insurance to cover any call-out costs.


U3A Adelaide Hills collects personal information to enable efficient delivery of its services. No data will be provided to third party individuals or organisations. Members may opt not to provide full details, however, incomplete disclosure of requested detail may prevent full delivery of services.


Membership Fees:  This is a non refundable fee.

Short Courses:  Some activities attract a fee to cover materials or entrance costs. Payment is required in advance and, unless more than 30 days notice is given, no refunds will be payable if you are unable to attend.  You may find another member to attend in your place, in which case the Course Organiser should be notified.


Cancellations: We reserve the right to cancel a Course or an Event.  Should this happen a full refund will be processed within 30 days of the date of cancellation.



Code of Conduct Policy

Grievance Policy & Procedure

Harassment Policy


Wearing of masks while participating in U3A Adelaide Hills activities is optional unless required by the venue.    (Updated 21 Feb 2023)    


Any photographs taken at U3A Adelaide Hills events may be used for publicity purposes.  If you do not wish your image to be used it is your responsibility to move to the sidelines to allow photography of the rest of the group.  Failure to do this implies tacit approval of the policy and your inclusion in the photograph.  

Members please be aware that most activities involve some element of risk.   While U3A Adelaide Hills maintains Public Liability Insurance and will endeavour to protect your safety, all risk cannot be totally  avoided.    Please choose activities suited to your individual interest, fitness and ability.  Members participate at their own risk.

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